Thought Leadership
April 24, 2024

Retargeting: bring visitors back!

Did you know that less than 2% of online prospects convert on their first visit to your website? But, according to a study by online marketing firm Criteo, you can increase the likelihood of conversion by 70% just by bringing them back. How do you do that? Retargeting, the technology that allows you to follow your visitors all over the web, brings back the 98% you didn’t convert the first time.

In the past, only large, “big brand” companies could afford to buy banner ads with the major ad networks.  But today, small and independent businesses now have access with highly focused, affordable retargeting. This gives your brand (YOU!) visibility right next to the big boys! Better yet, having a memorable online presence is a great way to stay top of mind with your previous site visitors who showed interest in your service, but were just not ready to take action.

So how does retargeting work? Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that drops a small pixel of code to anonymously follow your audience wherever they travel on the web. This means, that no matter what sites they visit, whether it’s the New York Times or a pet lover’s blog, your ad will appear. This is how AdWerx follows qualified prospects around the web. AdWerx also caps the frequency with which your ad appears online to align with industry best practices. This ensures your ad will be seen, but won’t annoy your target audience.

Here’s the catch, the majority of Internet users don’t actually click on retargeted banner ads, so success can be difficult to measure directly. However, since nearly 3 out of 5 U.S. Internet buyers notice ads for products they previously viewed online, we know it gets you noticed.  Your retargeted ad will serve as a reminder to return to your site again. This increases your visibility to your most valuable prospects; the users who have already shown interest in your site, and serves as a powerful mental prompt for your brand. Comscore’s study confirms the power of retargeting in bringing prospects back to your site:

Measuring success is tricky, but not impossible. Google Analytics is a free tool you can easily install on your site to measure traffic and determine its source. If you begin to notice an increase in visitors coming directly to your site or searching your name directly in Google search, this is a good indication that your retargeting campaign is working. Your visitors remembered your name and sought you out specifically. Your friends and community may start mentioning seeing you on the Internet too. Retargeting works when people know who you are.

Like all brand awareness campaigns, staying top of mind is a long-term effort. So adding retargeting to your marketing mix is a superb way to gently remind the 98% of visitors who didn’t convert the first time that you’re a digital marketing pro who has what it takes to earn their business. Even if we know its as easy as a click of a button.

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